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Seeing that first post means I can now sell this PIECE for double what I intended so now at a tenner. ;D ;D ;D.
(Before anyone takes this serious I am joking as I am sure there are some who will take that price literally)

Seriously I could never sell mine for the price that some sell theirs for but at the same time do not believe in giving it away I have recently had a complete look at my pricing structure and increased prices to a more realistic level, still not to the level of some on here.

Mark Hancock:
I agree with Paul's comment.

The eBay posting is from a Gallery in London where Andy F is a guest artist.
The gallery market cannot be compared to the craft fair market. They have different customer and maker profiles so pricing is different. With sales through galleries the maker will be lucky to get 50% of the retail price.

Just read through this thread. The photo in the first link is the same as one of the photos in this link.

So a gallery selling at less than Ebay.

Paul Hannaby:
The gallery have obviously added the additional fees charged by Ebay and possibly Paypal too to the total price. Any sensible seller would factor in all costs when arriving at a price.

Isn't the definition of an artist one who can no longer afford to buy their own work?  ;)

Duncan A:
and what on earth is claimed wood?


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