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Record Power 4 Speed Pulley Block from Record CL1 - HELP

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I faced a similar problem some years ago while building a lathe and lived through all the frustrations you are describing..... until I had a lightbulb moment

Make a wooden version (but not out of oak because it will argue with the steel shaft) It'll cost you nothing to try and worked for me.
All the best with it

Bryan Milham:
Another option and this will require the assistance of readers of this thread, is to ask them to measure the shaft diameter of their lathe (if it's fairly modern) and let you know if there's is 14mm, Then you could approach their manufacturer for the spare availability.

14mm shaft is the international standard for 71 frame motors, and these are widely available, just look up any motor supplier. What may be of interest are the sleeves that are available to use these motors in place of 80 frame motors, which feature a 19mm shaft. Just use one of these sleeves to use a 19mm bore pulley block on your 14mm motor.


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