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Charwood W870

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I had an Axminster lathe that was very similar to that Charnwood some years ago. Quality wasn’t that good and I wasn’t keen on the mechanical variable speed. I had to move it on as it proved to be too large to keep assembled. As I never turned anything long on it I replaced it with an Axminster AT1416VS which is a much better quality machine. The electronic variable speed is so much better and the lathe is much quieter.

Hi TT, so in response to what I want to do. I want to be able to turn large bowls ultimately, don’t really need to turn large spindles but don’t necessarily want to turn pens either. I have been thinking about it last few days and decided to veer towards RecordPower brand. I think I’m going to up my budget to £1000. Would you recommend the CL3 or 4?  It seems to tick most of the boxes of what I want and should last me a good few years.
I have already got a handful of mid level chisels and sharpening system.
Space is limited in my small shed but would fit a floor standing lathe then would free up the workbench space. Thanks

Just out of interest but do you have a source of supply for large bowl blanks? Many places don’t sell what I would consider large blanks and when they do they are very expensive!

Twisted Trees:
Yes a friend of mine has the CL4, I have used it a few times, nice lathe quite user friendly and capable. I personally have not turned large items on it, but did help him to lay a concrete pad and bolt it down, and have seen some large pieces of work he has achieved on it.

Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: Bill21 on May 21, 2020, 10:41:06 PM ---Just out of interest but do you have a source of supply for large bowl blanks? Many places don’t sell what I would consider large blanks and when they do they are very expensive!

--- End quote ---

Of course they are expensive, wood doesn't grow on trees ya know.... ;D

What do you call large?


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