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Wood ID

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Can anyone ID this wood for me please.

I picked it up from a wood reclamation yard a few years back and during a general rearrangement in the shed it came to light again

John D Smith:
 Hi Richard, I think it might be Rubber Wood but some of the experts will come along and and no doubt correct me.
                                                   Regards John

  Have a look at this web site Wood 

Bryan Milham:
Saying you picked it up in a reclamation yard makes me think it should be something that was imported in large sections for things like railway sleepers, piers, or groins. Something like Greenheart or Jarra.

Having said that, it looks like Mango to me, so something completely different to what it's likely to be.

Steve will be along soon, he'll identify it properly.

Les Symonds:
HiRichard.....whenever an identification is requested, good photos are essential, and yours are very clear, so that's fine. However, what you don't show us is one key feature of the timber, its end grain, and that is one of the most important features for ID purposes. As Bryan (dr4g0nfly) said....
--- Quote from: dr4g0nfly on June 02, 2020, 09:07:49 PM ---Steve will be along soon, he'll identify it properly.

--- End quote ---

.....but the first thing Steve will want will be a look at the end grain!


Yep, endgrain photos required please.

sand to 400g then take a good close up.

can you give me some info on the wood ike weight, hardness and scent.

it's not one i immediately recognise to be honest.


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