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lathe slowing

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My lathe is the ac305wl , it has two speed ranges 500-2040 and 1000-4080,
Advice to tighten motor seems to have done the trick, thx
However still confused on what speed range I have, manual vague
Headstock is on small pulley, motor on large pulley
Is that the low speed range?

Pic of belt

Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: dahlia1 on June 06, 2020, 11:51:35 AM ---My lathe is the ac305wl , it has two speed ranges 500-2040 and 1000-4080,
Advice to tighten motor seems to have done the trick, thx
However still confused on what speed range I have, manual vague
Headstock is on small pulley, motor on large pulley
Is that the low speed range?

--- End quote ---

You are running on high speed range, (multiple turns of the spindle for each turn of the motor)

I would recommend that for most things you should work on the slow speed range (small wheel on motor, large wheel on headstock), as speeds of up to 2000rpm are quite sufficient for almost everything you will do, and in this setting you will get much better power transmission from the motor to the spindle. This is not a terribly powerful motor (550W DC) and if it has to operate at the lower end of its speed range it will not have 550W, but substantially less, and then a heavy cut even on a small 6" bowl can stall the motor.

Many thx for that info, will change over to slower setting


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