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Clubs restarting?

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Anyone got any views on this? Will you go back as soon as they open or continue to isolate a while longer?

Tim Pettigrew:
We are considering resuming by holding a deferred AGM in September but are just about to contact our members to ask how many would be prepared to attend.   Depending on the result we will make a final decision at our next committee meeting in August (this may be a Zoom committee meeting).

 If it does go ahead we are asking members to bring in items they have made during the lock-down for an impromptu instant exhibition. Our venue is quite prepared to host the meeting but we envisage having to implement Social Distancing measures - not easy.

Biggest problem for many cliubs will no doubt be the fact that many members will be in the endagered category and sensibly being careful for a while yet. Using zoom etc for virtual meetings will need to be the norm for many fpor a while yet I suspect.


Duncan A:
We (West Northants Woodturners) are keeping an eye on the situation but presently it doesn't look like we'll be back until the autumn. In the meantime, we're keeping in touch with Facebook and WhatsApp, with a few wood swaps etc going on between individual members.
Like other clubs, there are quite a few older members who are at risk and who aren't au fait with the latest online technology so we'll just have to wait it out and keep in touch as best we can.

Pretty much as I thought. Quite a number of my local club are in the at risk group. Meetings are held at the community centre and I’m not aware of any plans to re open it anytime soon.


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