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Clubs restarting?

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David Buskell:
Our venue has said it hopes to be open in July but all this is academic until Boris relaxes the number of people who can gather together. Our hall probably can cope with about 25 members as against the normal 65 if we have to go to 2 metre distancing.

As others have said, we also have to consider if our members are willing to return.

In the meantime, we have been trying to keep things ticking along with the odd newsletter and info on live demos etc.

We have just had an interactive remote demo from Emiliano Achaval in Hawai which went t Cheam, 4 local UK clubs and one in South Africa, direct to members homes. It was well received. Only downside for the demonstrator is that unlike an IRD to a venue, they cannot hear the audience. If demo'd to a venue, we always keep the mic open and this gives some atmosphere to the proceedings. No issues with the tea break chat as you're speaking direct to the demonstrator. The fact he (in this case) was about 5000 miles away, was irrelevant.

I have been watching a number of Professional demonstrators  during lockdown and also now seeing webisites where they are now advertising remote demonstrations for clubs or individuals which is fine, so now, world access is available, my concern is the variance in quality,  not of the demonstrator but that of the equipment, to do it properly could be as expensive as a  very good lathe . Editing is not an option its live .Have seen issues with broadband width from demonstrator, yes we are moving into a new era and I think its brilliant but it must be done "professionally"

If clubs decide to participate  at a club meeting then how is this managed? large smart tv ? has the venue wifi?, can members not present access?, time commitment ?Questions how managed?  All these need ironing out and probably other points but this should not stop us moving forward .

I know it has been said some members are bit behind on computers but I know because of Corvid a lot have had to grasp the metal to see grandchildren , friends and family some might need help if so other members can help them .

David Buskell:
Hi Michaelb,

interactive remote demos are not new, we started with them back in 2017, having Lyle Jamieson demo to us at an outside venue. We then  had delays as we had to get access to the wifi at our venue, which we did in mid 2019. We then planned 3 remote demos to the venue, we had two there and the last one, Emiliano Achaval, had to be switched to a "direct to home".

In our venue, members watch the demo on a large projector screen and we have a roving mic so they can ask the demonstrator questions and get an instant answer. Members who do not attend can be given a link to the Zoom call.

Video conferencing is not new but it is new to woodturning. We (Cheam) and other clubs see this as a way to supplement our live demo program but obviously in these troubled times, we have had to resort to interactive remote demos to fill our program.

The Lucid Woodturners group has strived to educate, advise and to maintain standards for anyone who is interested in rehinking demonstrations, be they a demonstrator or a club. Do check out the likes of Phil Irons, Cindy Drozda, Mike Mahoney, Trent Bosch, Glenn Lucas,  Paul Hannaby and the 40 or so others who offer IRD's and individual tuition.

Some clubs just use Zoom for chats between members, workshop tours etc. Another way to keep in touch with members.

Happy to give you more info if you are in on the AWGB session tonight.

Hi David
HI David
Hi David
Hi David
Will be watching tonight

Its great what your club has done and I am all for it and yes the top demonstrators have invested and watched some of those you mention. We are now moving quickly because of the situation thrust upon us, I just hope that when some of the other demonstrators do it they learn from those who are doing it well . Glen Lucas in my opinion is well ahead .   I have paid my money to the AAW symposium for $20.20 great value so will be able to judge them all .

I want my club to be able to get on and do it once we can get back in to the venue .

David Buskell:
OK, will catch up with you tonight.

My club is always happy to share our experiences with other clubs.

You'll like the AAW virtual as there are some great names in the demo list.


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