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Clubs restarting?

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Twisted Trees:
I think you are all overthinking this. Members were never liable for giving each other colds or flu. Shops are not liable if you catch Covid while shopping.

When the opportunity to re-open comes there will be some form of procedure that puts liability onto the individuals not the committee or the Association. otherwise re-opening can't happen.

David Buskell:
Pete, I hope you are right! Until then  it seems to make sense to explore avenues to protect our clubs from any liability. Some of the avenues may also be a better status for the clubs in the longer post-Covid term.

The CIO info posted by Bill21 is useful but that status is granted by the Charity Commission and you have to be a charity in the first place to apply it seems.


--- Quote from: Twisted Trees on April 16, 2021, 01:54:12 PM ---

When the opportunity to re-open comes there will be some form of procedure that puts liability onto the individuals not the committee or the Association.

--- End quote ---

It’s a nice thought isn’t it but who’s going to implement this “procedure”?

Twisted Trees:
The government have that role, it will be in line with opening of other hospitality venues. Pub doors will open under some form of guidance and that will be the process for clubs too.


--- Quote from: Twisted Trees on April 16, 2021, 05:25:24 PM ---The government have that role, it will be in line with opening of other hospitality venues.

--- End quote ---

Wood Turning Clubs aren’t “Hospitality Venues” as you put it though are they?!
I’m pretty sure many of these Hospitality Venues are companies anyway.

It would be nice to think that clubs not willing to go down the company or charity route as previously mentioned will gain some sort of assurance from government that they can continue as before without fear of litigation. I’ve not heard anything so far though to indicate government have even thought of this.


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