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Clubs restarting?

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--- Quote from: Les Symonds on July 12, 2021, 09:09:08 PM ---Absolutely not! The venue does not assess the details of your event. Their RA is simply a starting point. There are no short cuts to Risk Assessing something as important as this!

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--- Quote from: bodrighywood on July 12, 2021, 10:45:53 PM ---The venues risk assess,ment is going to be at best a general one. If your venue is used for say cub or scout meetings or WI meetings the risks are not going to be the same.


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I thought I made it clear I was asking about a covid-19 specific risk assessment:

--- Quote from: Bill21 on July 10, 2021, 06:31:17 PM ---Have AWGB prepared a Covid-19 specific risk assessment template for clubs?

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The Bowler Hatted Turner:
The Covid-19 risk assessments carried out by venues will be different to Covid-19 risk assessments that clubs will have to do. May I suggest that clubs look at the way the meetings have been carried out and what could be done to prevent crowding in one area of a hall, forming a queue to collect subs etc.Clubs cannot legislate about mask wearing but can advise members to wear them during meetings. It is also worth looking at how the chairs are placed with what spacings in between. I think it would be unreasonable to ask a demonstrator to mask up when they will be masked up normally for a demonstration anyway. The social distance from demonstrator to audience is about the safe distance from a lathe anyway. I would ensure that tea mugs are washed before and after use at club meetings too. But it should be down to the venue to supply "safe" seating.etc.

John D Smith:

  I have been following this thread with interest please correct me if I am wrong with all restrictions being lifted on the 19th July
 surely we revert to our previous Club safety rules But clubs still having precautions ie Mask wearing and spacing etc.


--- Quote from: John D Smith on July 13, 2021, 09:28:18 AM ---
  I have been following this thread with interest please correct me if I am wrong with all restrictions being lifted on the 19th July
 surely we revert to our previous Club safety rules But clubs still having precautions ie Mask wearing and spacing etc.

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“The requirement to wear face coverings in law will be lifted.”

As I see it, when read this says that it is no longer law but a recommendation after the 19th. It is basically saying that the government has released its responsibility and expects us all to act and behave in a sensible way. Face masks are optional, advosed in cdertain circumstances but optional as is social distancing. Whether people will act responsibly we have yet to see. As far as RA for clubs are concerned we can dictate what we feel is necessary and sensible after the 19th for our clubs.



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