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Clubs restarting?

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the gist of this thread appears to be based on the assumption that demos are the main....or only... reason to be in a club and that oldns like me WANT to be tech savvy in order to experience one. I personally joined a club in order to see and meet a wider circle of mates with a shared interest in woody matters. I feel no envy whatsoever for folks who feel the need for Zoom in their woodyturning lives.
Am I alone on this side of the coin? I doubt it.

To some extent I agree with Brian,  clubs are not just about professional demonstrations , but the interaction with other members passing on tips laughing at our mistakes, swapping wood , having  our exhibitions etc... .

However the lock down has made Demonstrators look at the way they can share their skills and make a living. Having watched and paid for a number of demonstrations on Zoom by the likes of Glen Lucas, Cindy Doza, Pat Carroll and Phil Irons the quality of the filming is far better than most clubs, the demonstrator is using known equipment and you can get to question as and when. 

My opinion is that we should be getting the best of both worlds, we need the local interaction but have demonstrators from all over the world in our clubs is a huge opportunity and proberly raise our standards.

I agree with Brian and Michael.
Brian our club is all about social interaction, we limit our membership to around 40, partly because of the room that we have but I believe it’s just as important that we get to know each other, I’ve been chairman of our club since it started ( can’t give the job away😂). This has been my mantra and like to think that’s why we have lasted so long despite having to change our club venue 3 times, perhaps members of our club will post otherwise?
I think we can benefit from some aspects of remote demonstrations, but we’ve also built up very good relationships with pro turners because of their visits, so both arguments have value.
Stay safe everyone, make the right decision for yourself and your family, clubs will return, but your health is more important than anything.
Kind regards to you all.

Tim Pettigrew:

--- Quote from: michaelb on June 30, 2020, 09:23:37 AM ---To some extent I agree with Brian,  clubs are not just about professional demonstrations , but the interaction with other members passing on tips laughing at our mistakes, swapping wood , having  our exhibitions etc... .

However the lock down has made Demonstrators look at the way they can share their skills and make a living. Having watched and paid for a number of demonstrations on Zoom by the likes of Glen Lucas, Cindy Doza, Pat Carroll and Phil Irons the quality of the filming is far better than most clubs, the demonstrator is using known equipment and you can get to question as and when. 

My opinion is that we should be getting the best of both worlds, we need the local interaction but have demonstrators from all over the world in our clubs is a huge opportunity and proberly raise our standards.

--- End quote ---

I tend to agree with this.  Watching a demonstration live, being able to handle and look all angles at what has been demonstrated and ask questions arising from the tactile examination are something that is obviously impossible remotely.  The social aspect of chatting to other members is also crucially important and being able to pick up and examine and learn from competition turnings.  I also have to say that there are so many excellent videos (as well as the bad) so freely available now that the idea of remote demos does not have the same appeal.  Especially as there are always delays where chucks have to be changed or tools lost in the shavings hunted for all of which can be edited out in a good video.

Having said that until a tried and tested vaccine reduces the risk and the rate of infections declines we may have to wait a while before normality returns but in my view it will return and will be worth waiting for. 

There is surely room for both. Remote demos etc open up a whole new area of possibilities that are otherwise not possible. Especially true for small clubs where cost os a problem. Also don't forget that the two are not incompatible and with a bit of experience having remote demos in a club setting (after lockdown) are also another possibility.



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