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Clubs restarting?

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Peter Einig:
IRD's and Zoom are essential tools that we are now better acquainted with. Making best use of them together with available content is important. Not only does it add a new income stream for those who demonstrate, it provides the opportunity for turners to see IRD's from someone we are unlikely to see in person. We cannot replace the interaction that occurs at meetings but we can add to our knowledge and enjoyment of woodturning. Something similar has been available for years in education and made a huge difference in teaching terms. Lets hope we continue to learn by using this technology.

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
There is something else that has not been mentioned yet. We could go back to the church halls and have a live demo and that live demo could be broadcast to club members that are perhaps to infirm to attend a club night. We have a couple in our club who just cannot make it to the hall for meetings (this was before Covid-19) and to live stream a demo that the other members are taking part in would undoubtedly enhance some of the member's lives.
 I have done a few live stream demos now, each one gets better but throws up other possible improvements that could be made and so bit by bit my equipment is improving. I did one last night to my local guinea pigsclub ( sorry chaps)  ;D  and I finished at about 20:40
but I had packed all of the equipment away by 21:30 and was sat having a coffee shortly after, and that is so much more enjoyable than having to get in my car and drive for 3 hours in the dark, having to make detours because of late night roadworks etc.  I think there will be clubs that will never accept this but I seriously feel that this is the way forward.

I'm sorry to be the cat among the pigeons again but I'm convinced this thread is leading us up the garden path. It is surely obvious that anyone reading this is a computer user and happy to be so. Therefore the majority are likely to see the benefits of digital woodturning and be willing and happy to share their enthusiasm.
Unfortunately they are overlooking... I suspect... the fact that the VAST majority of AWGB members are not on here so are likely not to feel the same way about the subject.
Of course choice is the operative word and the more choice the better BUT as soon as a club appears... to new members especially... to be talking about embracing internet screens and the like how many will vote with their feet and seek a more hands-on way of life, leaving the tech savvy folks in a somewhat emptier church hall.
After all, those disappearing members can stay at home and stare at a screen without the clubs help.

Peter Einig:
IRD’s will not replace the interaction we see at Club meetings. Ours is a Very practical subject with some other stuff thrown in. I for one as a post 16 tutor do not understand how you can do remote teaching for a practical subject. Unfortunately there is no AWGB club in my area and I did not take to my local turning club, so IRD’s are good for me and I have enjoyed seeing turners who I would not see at a club meeting.

You all make very valid observations but it is making best use of technology to enhance our experience/enjoyment/knowledge of woodturning. Now that visiting others at home is easier, it would be nice to help those who are not computer savvy and willing to give it a go.

Just FTR we phoned round all our members and >2/3 were happy to try a Zoom demo - more of us are online than people realise!.  We are thus trying this (as you say the demonstrators are getting more comfortable with it) and will report back.  The main concern is questions.  Clearly this does not replace meetings, nor does putting pieces on the website, but it is something!


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