General Category > General Discussion

Clubs restarting?

<< < (9/29) > >>

This may be of interest to some of you. I know some other organisations that use these types of facilities have been busy writing risk assessments in preparation for restarting in September/October time.

Peter Einig:
Any risk assessment you do for your Club needs to take into account what the facilities management/owner expects too.

Paul Hannaby:
Not really, the facilities management / building owners have to do their own risk assessments for the areas they are responsible for.

Our local hall has asked all hirers to prepare their own risk assessments. When they have received them they will also prepare their own assessment which will be sent to their insurers.

The local WI risk assessment runs to three pages.

David Buskell:
Update on re-starting:

All started off well, our Membership Secretary sent out invites to all members asking those who wish to attend on the 16th, RSVP so they could be put on a  list. First 30 names got through the doors.

That was until last night. Meeting now cancelled so members miss two demonstrations and access to the club shop.


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