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Clubs restarting?

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John D Smith:

This Subject was posted on September 20th by Bill21 and there was quite a lot of discussion and postings then so it would be better for continuity of the subject if these were posted in that same thread as there were a lot of ideas and thoughts on this

                                                     Regards John

All club members are by now completely out of the habit of attending club meetings and have also had plenty of lockdown time to consider if/how their membership might fit within their changed lifestyle. Covid, old age and complacency are also likely to have taken a greater toll on the longest serving members, who are also likely to have held the leadership roles which others have previously shied away from.
I would suggest that whenever clubs restart there will be a lot of hastily arranged AGM's consisting of a much reduced membership facing a sparsely populated.... or even empty.... committee table. Some clubs will fold and the rest will face an extended period of rebuilding, which will need to be led by 'younger', less experienced members who would, in pre Covid times, have run a mile from the positions.
Pessimistic it certainly is, but can anyone fault the logic?


--- Quote from: BrianH on November 21, 2020, 02:42:17 PM ---All club members are by now completely out of the habit of attending club meetings and have also had plenty of lockdown time to consider if/how their membership might fit within their changed lifestyle. Covid, old age and complacency are also likely to have taken a greater toll on the longest serving members, who are also likely to have held the leadership roles which others have previously shied away from.
I would suggest that whenever clubs restart there will be a lot of hastily arranged AGM's consisting of a much reduced membership facing a sparsely populated.... or even empty.... committee table. Some clubs will fold and the rest will face an extended period of rebuilding, which will need to be led by 'younger', less experienced members who would, in pre Covid times, have run a mile from the positions.
Pessimistic it certainly is, but can anyone fault the logic?

--- End quote ---

I have to agree with you I am afraid, I think several clubs will fold following this pandemic. I personally am questioning, if I want to go back to club meetings.

One thing I do know is that many folks go to meetings (or did) for the social  aspect and to chat with other like minded people. Quite a few nodded off during the demos but woke up in time for tea and biscuits. This is reason enough for some to return provided they think it’s safe.

I agree with everything Bill wrote but still question whether enough members will return and whether, from that number, enough will be willing to take the reins and lead the club forward into a brand new future. Past experience tells me the majority will do almost anything rather than sit at the top table. Here's hoping I'm wrong on all counts.


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