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Clubs restarting?

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Well, what do we think now the vaccine rollout is progressing apace?

Is a restart possible in the autumn if restrictions are lifted or do we wait until the new year?

My Crystal ball isn’t working so any input is welcome ...  ;D

Twisted Trees:
I have sketch plans to ride in Europe in June and August, and to visit France late September, they are there to give me something to look forward to, seriously I am not expecting to leave the UK until 2022. I feel the same approach is needed for club meetings, hope for Autumn but it may be winter and the year number may click round. The important bit is to have some hope of some normality coming.

Tim Pettigrew:
Well, at our committee meeting last Tuesday, the Herts and Beds Woodturners took the decision to try and restart "normal" meetings at our Hemel Hempstead venue on the 13th July. A high proportion of our members have already had their first jab and some have had both. The plan is provisional and may need revision if the situation deteriorates again.
Many members are reporting Zoom fatigue and are very much looking forward to a resumption.

It remains to be seen if this is achievable.

Are you anticipating having to use the 2 metre rule and if so what impact will this have regarding your venue Tim?

Tim Pettigrew:

--- Quote from: Bill21 on March 04, 2021, 02:07:26 PM ---Are you anticipating having to use the 2 metre rule and if so what impact will this have regarding your venue Tim?

--- End quote ---
Hi Bill, a lot can happen in the next 4 months.  We are in close contact with the manager of the community centre where our meetings are held and he is hopeful that restrictions will be minimal.  It's a large venue so we could still proceed with a 2 metre rule in place.  Will post updates as to viability and restrictions which hopefully will help other clubs in the same situation.


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