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Clubs restarting?

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The Bowler Hatted Turner:

--- Quote from: John D Smith on March 22, 2021, 09:24:06 AM ---
 I agree with John (BHT) this public liability no cover ref COVID 19 with the insurance is in my opinion a big issue and this could be a very big problem if someone try's to claim from a Club I have asked for guidance from the AWGB and the answer I received it is up to each Club to do their own "RISK ASSESSMENT" this issue needs very careful consideration it could cost clubs and even Committee members a Fortune.
                                            Regards John

--- End quote ---
I am afraid that in this case a risk assessment may not be the answer. As club officers we need the comfort that we are insured otherwise the risk of being sued for all that we own (and possibly losing) is too great for me to contemplate opening the club again. Club officers need to have that protection.

Have to agree John,
a risk assessment has nolegal standing, unless you don't have one then it becomes a problem. All it does is shopw that you are being responsible and aware odf any problems and with something like Covid I don't think you can assess risk as there are far too many variables that the clubs would have no influence on including peoples behaviour.


John D Smith:

Hi Pete & John,
                     I know the AWGB cannot give advice on Insurance matters but the Risk Assessment was what they said to me
 I agree there is always the chance of someone saying they caught Covid at a club meeting and sue the Club and Committee members Who can afford to be in that situation this needs to be looked at by some experts so come on the AWGB please instigate some sort of check on where we stand and see what advice Experts can give us.

                                                     Regards John

The only people who I would have thought could give sensible advice would be whoever the clubs are insured with?


With the COVID numbers going down, athough with some way to go, are any of the clubs making plans for the restart? We are in a difficult position as we have to find a new venue. With some committee members without a computer, some can only get Zoom whilst others can only get Microsoft Teams, digital meetings are not possible. So what about demos, and other considerations? We may be able to meet outside in a month  or two (Boris permitting) and that may be close to the predicted times for restrictions to be lifted.

All questions and no answers, over a year since he last meeting and I am, along with lots of other people, getting frustated!


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