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Clubs restarting?

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I’ve been in conversation elsewhere about this and one insurer for a venue has suggested that provided reasonable precautions are taken they would address any claims in the unlikely event the claimant could prove that they caught covid at the venue and that the organisers were negligent.

I have in addition seen a disclaimer online like this one that may possibly be of use as well?

John D Smith:

 I have today received an email from Zurich Insurance reminding our Club should pay their insurance buy 1st April to ensure cover will continue in a posting by the AWGB Chairman on this thread he said there were questions they were waiting to be answered by Zurich we need some clarity on this as soon as possible.
                                               Regards John

To be honest most disclaimers are not worth the paper they are written on. It just makes some people have a warm fuzzy feeling, that they have done something.

An example of what I mean is all tickets for motorsport events say  MOTOR RACING IS DANGEROUS AND SPECTATORS ATTENDING THIS TRACK DO SO ENTIRELY AT THEIR OWN RISK. legally it means nothing. 


--- Quote from: Wooddust on March 25, 2021, 10:40:30 PM ---To be honest most disclaimers are not worth the paper they are written on. It just makes some people have a warm fuzzy feeling, that they have done something.

An example of what I mean is all tickets for motorsport events say  MOTOR RACING IS DANGEROUS AND SPECTATORS ATTENDING THIS TRACK DO SO ENTIRELY AT THEIR OWN RISK. legally it means nothing.

--- End quote ---

Good to know. I note you say “most” though, so which in your legal opinion may be of help to us?

Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: Bill21 on March 26, 2021, 11:17:04 AM ---
Good to know. I note you say “most” though, so which in your legal opinion may be of help to us?

--- End quote ---

Only the ones where a judge has ruled on it, all can be challenged. I have no idea how anyone can claim for Covid infection though as we are all personally responsible for masking up washing hands and keeping distance, just a bit more patience needed, I am personally unsure if / when I will return to a club night, as freedom of movement opens up I will be choosy and cautious in how I widen my circle, first in will be grand children fellow woodturners are down the list from there.


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