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It does beg a question, do the materials used make a difference? If you copy a clay vase and decorate it to the same effect does being made of wood excuse you? I’d say not. Not sure why anyone would mind you but there are a few wood turners that so completely hide the wood under paint I wonder why they don’t take up ceramics instead.  ::)

'cos the cost of having the equipment and somewhere to have a kiln would be way beyouond many of us. I always said of I couldn't be a turner I'd love to be a potter.  I agree about the level of colouring that some people do though it is very much a personal thing.


HAs anyone any actually experiance of any one being convicted of plagiarism in the turning community? Be if professional or hobby, always debated as a hot topic but I certainly unable to find any cases, and the cost of a private prosecution would surely out weigh any recompence.

I doubt any turners pro or hobby could actually afford to go to court. The point is surely to try and educate people to have a moral and ethical attitude to copying. I do know of furniture designers for example who have gone to court over design rights and won so it could theoretically happen.


Your right Pete, it is more of an issues of peoples morals and values, if I copy someones style and say it mine, I feel thats ok, if i copy someone and try to pass as theirs that is fraudulent and immoral. It is difficult to come up with new and innovatve ideas sometimes, I for one need an inspiration at times and admire anyone who can start from scratch with a unique piece.


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