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Feeling good.

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John Plater:
On the assumption that the guild is the Somerset Guild, you should enjoy the association, if my experience of membership of a multi craft Guild is anything to go by. The important factor to bear in mind is that your assessment would have been a peer assessment which makes it all the more meaningful. There are also some members with a significant profile within the craft community against whom you will have been judged. Well done  :)
ATB John

Yes John it was the Somerset Guild. Being judged by other crafters is nerve wracking as they look for details as well as overall design which is perhaps what I focus on. I am fortunate in having a 'quality control' partner who is used to dealing with very high end work though I admit to not always liking what she says LOL.


Wood spinner:
Ding Dong , well done both , Re the selling are they selling for you or making a mark up on your prices , with work as unique as yours its not hard to sell as is ,
You mentioned that you last piece sold within 2 hours on the net

We  put it in the gallery and put a price on it. The gallery then has its own mark up price. They are responsible for the items as long as they are in their possession and are responsible for marketing and sales. Standard practice.


Well done, a talented couple indeed.


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