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Noob needs help!

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Paul Hannaby:
Those tools which have China on the shaft are very poor quality steel, they won't hold an edge for long and are likely to snap or bend in use (I have seen several like these bought to me by my students). I would advise you replace those with good quality tools as soon as funds permit. If the budget is limited, there is a buoyant second hand market and often, tools for sale on here too.

Have to echo Paul. The tools you have photo'd all look like very cheap ones that are potentially dangerous. Depending on what you intend to start making you can manage with very few tools. Spindle work you 'need' a spindle gouge and a parting tool and you can make most things. Face work you could manage small stuff with the spindle gouge but a bowl gouge would be better. That is a very bare minimum if you are strapped for cash and desperate to get going. Alternative if you have a bit more money would be a spindle roughing gouge, scraper, skew, spindle gouge, parting tool and bowl gouge. Personally I would advise getting some instruction ASAP though whether it is one on one or, due to Covid, via email, zoom etc. Wood turning is immensely enjoyable but also potentially dangerous. There are some good videos on you tube but also some seriously dodgy ones as well so be careful who you watch.


Okay, many thanks everyone: I shall investigate further. I have been delayed by work and my eldest's impending birthday party but will come back to it, asap.

I did look briefly and bowl gouges on their own are very expensive. I will invest in one, as this seems like it can much of what I want to do, and add to it as I go.

I'm in the Midlands but can't see any clubs near me. I guess I shall try and get in as many YouTube videos as possible, and go from there. My father-in-law is knowledgable – As lockdown eases, I will ask him for help too.


These looked reasonable. Most gouges I was looking at were about £100 on their own – This is a whole set. I guess it all depends on the quality but it's rated highly on Amazon.

John D Smith:

 Hi Matt,
            Where in the midlands are you located there are quite a few Clubs around all though because of the current situation they are not meeting at the moment.
                                                     Regards John


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