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Clubs opening up risk assessment

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The Bowler Hatted Turner:
John something we discussed during my club's zoom meeting last night was possibly having some club members attending the venue and live streaming out to the rest of the club who wish to stay at home. Not sure how that would work out though. We are going to ere on the side of safety as none of us wants the responsibility of causing members to get ill. God forbid if we (my club committee) said we were going back to face to face meetings and we lost a member through this virus because of it.
Just for information it took two of us nearly 12 days to come up with the risk assessment that allowed us to reopen the shop that I belong to. You have to cover every possibility. As our shop premises do not have bathroom facilities we had to include details of cleaning the one we have access to after each visit. And within the shop we go into detail about negative and positive air pressure to prevent the "wafting" of speech vapour thereby safeguarding our volunteers. Not an easy situation for any of us at the moment.

David Buskell:
"David you said your club Cheam Woodturners are opening on 19th September how will they control numbers if more than 30 turn up?"

John, a good point. We have a large hall with normal capacity of 80 so under Covid our maximum (as far as the venue management is concerned) is 40. The Government guidance allows for more than 30 people in certain circumstances.

We usually get between 40 and 60 people for a normal meeting. I very much doubt we will get that for the 2020 meetings we have planned.

One major obstacle is that our Constitution provides for a quorum of 30 (including officers) to be present for any OGM or AGM so we also need to plan ahead.

So, to answer John's original quesion to me, I don't know how our Committee will handle things. I'll be able to answer you after our September meeting.

Twisted Trees:
I probably would not attend a face to face club meeting, I am not really bothered about catching Covid-19, but I would be horrified to be the one that passed it on to a friend (or anyone) but wish you all the best with your September meeting.

John D Smith:

 Hello John (bht), David & Pete (TT)
                                                    Thank you for your very prompt answers the more questions you ask the more complicated everything seems to get it seems like a minefield and it is in my opinion not fair to put these pressures on Committee members who are all Volunteers and David I am not sure about allowing up to 40 to attend ! the one thing that non of us can predict is IF
the circumstances change (heaven forbid ) all the plans and hard work goes to the wall I must say I am very concerned.

                                                        Regards (Worried) John 


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