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Watching Darren Breeze Demo

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John D Smith:

 I have tried Logging in to todays demo Darren Breeze (ZOOM) I followed the instructions on the AWGB web site I didn't register in the end as a Nurd on all this technical stuff when comments come up like (allow changes to your computer) also not keen on a lot of the terms and conditions. I watched the Tiny Turner (Emma) last night on utube nice an easy. 
                                       Regards John


The only changes to your computer are to install the Zoom app which you need to watch and interact with the demonstrator. YouTube is view only and you can't ask questions. The Zoom software is perfectly safe to install. The demonstration today was recorded and so will be available on the website to view in the near future, you don't need the Zoom software to watch the recording. The recorded videos are available at

Roger Groom:
Sadly John, you missed an excellent demo. I know of several people who have had issues trying to log on to these demos. Could be an age thing. Pass. But watch it on the AWGB site later John.
Roger G

John D Smith:

 Thank you Roger & Colin, your help is appreciated you are correct Roger it is an age thing (lol) I will definitely view when It is on the awgb web site.
                            Regards John 

Ah so many things to do and watch at the moment so thanks to Paul for doing the recordings and keeping them for us to watch later. I have recorded Emma as I do like her style of demonstrating and will be watching Darren later but I have to say that the Meet the Turner Interview with Pat Carrol and Cindy Drozda was one of the best IMO that has come up on the series so far, it was a real treat to watch so thanks to everyone involved.


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