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Carving with a router

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Following on from Tuesday's Zoom discussion I finally got round to finishing my router bed and sled and gave fluting a try on a roughed out bowl that was in the firewood pile.

For a first attempt it didn't turn out too badly but like all of the first attempts at something new Murphy's Law came into play, whilst routing the last flute I got grain tear out between it and the first flute.

What I have found is that I need to anchor the indexer better as the rare earth magnets I have on it are insufficient and I need to remove some of the width of the sled.

Mark 2 version today.

Nice. Any chance of a picture of your router jig and setup.

My own attempt at making one has stalled due to the amount of work involved!


--- Quote from: Bill21 on August 20, 2020, 11:11:00 AM ---My own attempt at making one has stalled due to the amount of work involved!

--- End quote ---

Will do that this afternoon for you

The first shows the router a small Rotozip with a 1/4" collet so takes standard router bits. Just made with some offcuts of ply.

The second shows it resting on the carriage on the lathe, just an offcut of melamine with a stop on the front edge.

The third is a side view I have it mounted on a 1" rod that fits in the tool rest slide.

Thanks very much for that. I decided to make an improved version of this jig:

I’m pleased with what I’ve done so far but it took me so long I ran out of steam so to speak. I reckon I’m about 60% done but I’ve had other projects to do.


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