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Lathe vibration

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John Plater:
Also, try the RPT website for lists of woodturners offering tuition.
ATB John

Wood spinner:
Looks like your issue is a out of balance blank, this is difficult to overcome with fixed speed belt change lathe's

If you had a variable speed lathe you could turn the speed right down to very slow and as it comes into balance increase the speed

Twisted Trees:
Start here:-

On YouTube, first thing is look at the size of the lathe they are working on, if it is a lot bigger than yours then they will be able to turn bigger faster more out of balance, do not try to match what they are doing!

Other things are RPT (Register of Professional Turners) doesn't signify they are a good teacher,  just that they earn most of their living from turning related sources,  but it is a clue!

There are things that are done by many good turners that have a combination of sound / feel / experience that in combination makes the difference between safe and dangerous YouTube doesn't always convey that border.

I would say join a club, obviously that is a problem at the moment however your local AWGB club will probably be able to link you up with online meetings, and maybe one to one meetings with social distancing measures reach out and ask what is available in your area.

Thanks for all the advice guys, much appreciated.

Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: Wood spinner on September 10, 2020, 09:42:14 AM ---Looks like your issue is a out of balance blank, this is difficult to overcome with fixed speed belt change lathe's

If you had a variable speed lathe you could turn the speed right down to very slow and as it comes into balance increase the speed

--- End quote ---

I learned on belt driven lathes, now I have learned more I would say that variable speed lathes are the only ones I would recommend, so much safer, for the beginner it is great to be able to start slow (0 rpm on mine) and find the right speed, for the experienced the safety is half of it the convenience the other half. unfortunately many new turners start on a tight budget and buy fixed speed change lathes.

In answer to my first post you intimated you turn bowls at 1500, I almost never turn bowls over 1000rpm if I go over it is for a specific cut when I am able to take the speed up carefully.


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