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Disposal of wood shavings

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  How do turners dispose of their wood shavings in the uk . I have moved to West Sussex  permanently after a 40 yr absence so now generate a fair ampount of shavings  .Where I was living the waste was acceptted by the municipality at £50 / ton. Thats a lot of shavings so it was very cheap to get rid of .  any guidence would be appreciated . 

Martin Lawrence:
  Find your local allotments they always had mine for their compost heap.

Cheers Martin.

I post on freecycle locally and they get picked up for gardens, chickens etc. No good for horses mind if there is walnut in them as that's poisonous to horses.


Twisted Trees:
Local council accepts them as garden waste, so I subscribe to that which also gets me a wheelie bin that is connected directly to my extraction via a cyclone. I also have a list of people who want clean safe shavings for things from chickens to model railway making, so if I clean up, then cut a single safe species I sweep that up and phone them to come and collect it.

Another use though she hasn't wanted them for a while is a local potter, she used them to line her kiln and fire the clay, she and the model maker preferred the longer shavings from bowl cutting, chicken keeper and gardeners preferred spindle shavings which had a higher proportion of short chip style shavings.

Sometimes I also make fire lighters from them that is quite popular, but requires me to be in the right mood.

Les Symonds:
A neighbour who has a pet goat and a few chickens takes the odd bag, but only when I've been using "safe" timbers. The rest amounts to about 7 large sacks a week, gets collected by a lady who uses it for bedding for her ponies.
In return I get a few eggs and sacks of manure for the garden


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