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The best finish for Teak

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Bryan Milham:
As the title says, what is the consensus for the best finish for teak please.

Or what finished would I be best avoiding.

I have only used a bit of teak and (perhaps thoughtlessly) just finished by buffing with carnauba wax. Teak ks pretty oily anyway I understand so not sjure putting other oils etc on it would work.


John Plater:
Teak oil !


--- Quote from: John Plater on November 18, 2020, 10:03:32 AM ---Teak oil !

--- End quote ---

Funny you should say that! I carved a house number out of Teak and finished it with teak oil and it survived outside in the rain for years until we moved. It may even still be there?

Bryan Milham:
Sorry, maybe I should have said. It is for indoor use and Teak Oil, or any oily finish is not appropriate.


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