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best sphere jigs?

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This is my home made one. I just made it up as I went along from materials I had to hand. If it was money no object it may have been a bit different.


--- Quote from: seventhdevil on November 28, 2020, 03:28:33 PM ---whom's is it???

Paul Howard
--- End quote ---

think i'll plump for that one then as i can always resell it once the job is done.

easy to use is it?

Wood spinner:

There are a couple of jigs on the market, one made here in the UK and one made in America that are very similar. They’re both made of Aluminium Alloy and don’t look to be very rigid. You almost always see them turning relatively soft woods and between centres in the videos. With a more substantial jig you should be able to turn virtually any timber just held by the chuck giving you access around more of the workpiece and without the tailstock getting in the way. Although my own jig has a steel base and column I don’t claim it to be any better but I do turn spheres with it without tailstock support. Admittedly this is lime as in the video but you get the idea. I’ve turned Oak, Ash, Maple and Yew like this.


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