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Anyone on here like me ?

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Woodturners were creating amazing things for millennia using just basic tools. Even bowl gouges as we know them didn't exist u til 50 years ago. New steels, modern tools and lathes won't make us better turners or more creative just poorer. Some do make things easier I agree but for the time being I'll just wear out the tools I have got LOL


I have a couple, both of which cut not scrape the Simon hope sphere jig, and the Lyle JAMIESong deep hollowing rog, both excellent tools IMHO.


--- Quote from: Wood spinner on December 11, 2020, 12:43:56 AM ---Well it looks like I am not alone , I have never found a turning job I could not do with standard tool / traditional tools  :)

--- End quote ---

Maybe you just don’t turn very much?

A while back I turned some items from plywood for a club competition. It seems it was a rather tiresome exercise for those members that attempted the challenge using HSS tools. For those of us though that used carbide it was a relatively easy task.

Some time ago one of my Ten Pin bowling balls cracked obviously making it unusable. After some thought I turned a rather nice and unique bowl from part of it. All using carbide tools as the plastic was rather abrasive.

My home made sphere jig also wouldn’t work without a carbide insert.

Wood spinner:
You may be correct , I don't turn as often as I did and also not plywood , Or 1/2 of a bowing ball


--- Quote from: Wood spinner on December 11, 2020, 11:34:38 PM ---You may be correct , I don't turn as often as I did and also not plywood , Or 1/2 of a bowing ball

--- End quote ---

It’s also very handy to rough out hard abrasive woods with carbide then refine the shape and clean up with HSS tools, saves keep going to the grinder.  ;)


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