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Hi, from a kind of newbie.

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Alan Rowe:
Hi all. I've been looking at this forum for a while so I thought I'd better join you.
I started turning back in 1994. I went on a course on to learn the basics, bought myself a cheap Taiwanese lathe and slowly improved. In 96 I changed jobs. I had my lathe stolen in 97, so bought a Record Power CL1. Work and family took too much of my time so turning took a back seat. I did odd bits but nothing serious. I have recently retired, moved and set up a decent workshop in a large single garage. I went on a refresher course and joined a club, just before lockdown. I am now starting at the beginning again and thoroughly enjoying my time in the workshop. Looking forward to learning from members of the forum.  Alan Rowe.

Welcome to the forum Alan.

Bryan Milham:
Welcome to the Forum Alan.

We're a friendly and helpful bunch, so ask away.

And don't be worried about posting your turning, we can see much better where your journey is at and offer advice as well as just answering questions.

hi Alan. Good to hear you are up and running. All the best people have to give in to shavings addiction sooner or later!
Whereabouts in the world are you based?
Brian........ A kind of ex newbie

Alan Rowe:
I'm based in Fareham, Hampshire.


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