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good point, i'd forgotten that i have plenty of pictures of my nests.

the mother bowl of this stunning walnut is about 14"x 6".

i used the bowl saver on the whole tree and instead of only 25-30 blanks i got over 100 so if i hadn't of already had one at that point it would have been wise to buy one just for that project.

chunkey monkey:
Stunning ,one day I will be able to turn like that!

I'm sure this is a stupid question as no-one else has mentioned this, so here goes.

All the videos show the big bowl being cut first, then they reverse chuck the centre, then cut a tenon onto the centre bit, then reverse that back into the chuck & attack the second cut, resulting in 3 bowls.  Lovely.  But why not take out the smaller one first & then straight onto the big one.  If it can be done it would save a lot of work & time.  That's my stupid question.

Many thanks

it can depend on what system you are using but as i have the woodcut bowl saver it is actually easier to cut the big bowl then re mount the core so that you can create a mounting point for the chuck.

you then do the same for each smaller bowl.

does that explain it?


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