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New member

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Wood spinner:
Hello ( ??????? ) , is your name a secret  :D

Welcome to the forum , Keep posting and please don't turn ( Like the pun ) into a one post wonder and gone  :o

Can you post some photos of your work , We all like photos  ;D

Have fun ??????

Apologies for the anonymity, but until I retire (later this year) I will be nameless. No offence meant to anyone. It is simply for personal security.

I tried to post some pictures of my turning, but can’t work out how to get them small enough. However, if you would like to see some, I have an Instagram page “turningoakwood” which I keep up to date.

If anyone can tell me how to reduce the size of photos/videos so as to be compatible with this forum, I will gladly give it another try.

I certainly don’t intend being a one post member and will be starting a post about my Logosol kiln in the near future.

You can just use your first name but only if you want to.

As to resizing photos it depends if you are using a Mac or a PC. On a Mac iResize is good. Photoscape works on both Mac and PC and is more of an image editor but does include a resize function. Both are free. Photos in jpg format about 80% compression / quality and 800px to 1000px on the long edge should get you to a suitable size for here. There are other image resize apps these are just a couple I have used.

Wood spinner:
Re photo size I set my camera to 640 x 480 pixels , Ideal size for forum use , Then no need to re size , Hope this helps mystery man  :D

Thank you very much for the photo hints. I shall try one of the Apps on my iPad and see how that works.


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