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Creep Resistant glue

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--- Quote from: jay on February 03, 2021, 06:23:31 PM ---   All Titebond 's  normal ,  2 and 3 are PVA 's modifiied to increase water resistance and colder working  temperatures
  but like all PVA , wll creep . Plastic resin, Urea Formaldehyde and Epoxy are creep resistant

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Thanks, do you know of any examples of Plastic Resin adhesives?

   I would suggest that you do a search on plastic resin glue .As  some have a dark glue line  eg Resorcinal/Formaldehyde   which may be undesirable . it is difficult for me to name adhesives in the UK as Ii have spent most of the last 45 yrs out of UK,  a frequent visitor but rather out of touch with the range  of materials available here.

After a brief search it appears the easiest to use alternative to powdered or two part adhesives is Polyurethane glue. This is a shame as I don’t like using it much, it’s horrible stuff if you get it on your fingers! Most versions are dark brown but I did see some somewhere that is clear so I think I’ll give it a try.

   Read the small print about the finish standard required . Because if there are voids it foams and the bond is weaker
 It also may  be moisture curing therefore the MC of the wood may be too dry and a spritz of water could be needed

Twisted Trees:
I would be dubious of Polyurethane glue it is not as strong a bond as PVA especially if it foams great stuff in the right place but I wouldn't want it spinning while I cut the joint faces thin!

A  cabinet maker showed me a trick that may come in handy for you after setting your joint with PVA run a bit of CA along the edge this will hold it until the PVA has set.


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