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wadkin RU lathe

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The headstock on the wadkin is like the one on the graduate and jubilee with an outside option for turning larger pieces. The one next door can take an 8' diameter disc with a free standing rest. Usually done using a faceplate. Never seen a chuck being used on the outside.


Hundredweights....... 2 old bags of spuds or cement. You have to be old enough to deserve a jab to remember such things ;D


--- Quote from: BrianH on February 07, 2021, 03:12:04 PM ---Hundredweights....... 2 old bags of spuds or cement. You have to be old enough to deserve a jab to remember such things ;D

--- End quote ---

Yep. Having mine on Tuesday LOL



--- Quote from: seventhdevil on February 07, 2021, 10:16:35 AM ---never heard of a faceplate going on a tailstock before.

should it not be mounted on the other side of the headstock for outboard turning?

--- End quote ---

its for mounting some collums on the lathe with have faceplate on headstock but would prefer some better mounting to tailstock rather than just a live center as they will be 300mm x 3000mm solid elm

that thought did occur to me.

other than the heaviest duty live center you can find for the columns i can't think of another way.

they were built to take suckers like that so it should not be a problem weight wise.


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