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Chuck Hubs - views please

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I keep mine in plastic paint pots with a lid, a dessicant bag and alls good

Not that this really matters and I can't say that I've lost any sleep, and I do appreciate all the replies I received, you all gave me stuff to think about, but no one actually answered my original question  :) - I was really asking if anyone had any views on the difference between the Chuck hubs supplied by Glenn and Axminster.


--- Quote from: Dancie on March 24, 2021, 02:46:09 PM ---Not that this really matters and I can't say that I've lost any sleep, and I do appreciate all the replies I received, you all gave me stuff to think about, but no one actually answered my original question  :) - I was really asking if anyone had any views on the difference between the Chuck hubs supplied by Glenn and Axminster.

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Oh dear, we all seem to have missed that! Apologies again.  :)

Twisted Trees:

--- Quote from: Dancie on March 24, 2021, 02:46:09 PM ---Not that this really matters and I can't say that I've lost any sleep, and I do appreciate all the replies I received, you all gave me stuff to think about, but no one actually answered my original question  :) - I was really asking if anyone had any views on the difference between the Chuck hubs supplied by Glenn and Axminster.

--- End quote ---

As most don't have any and some have one for good reason or one brand, hope for comparison was a long stretch :-)

Looking at the pictures the GL ones don’t look as substantial as the Axminster ones. Probably ok just for parking chucks though. I’m confident the Axminster one delivered today will work well for supplementary work held in a Chuck.


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