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Juniper wood

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tree (post pruning)

dr4g0nfly - I see that aromatic cedar is listed in Wikipedia as 'Juniperus virginiana' - so a US juniper.  Obviously hardly any cedar wood comes from actual cedar trees so perhaps this is not so surprising!  So it will be closely related to our garden prostrate juniper I think.  I am not sure how much UK juniper wood is actually cut - the trees/bushes I remember in the Scottish highlands looked pretty wizened and small. The US sources talking about juniper wood seem to be talking quite large pieces (fireplace lintels and the like) which fits with this being the same as your aromatic cedar which wiki says is quite a big tree.  But a lovely wood much like your description anyway!

Twisted Trees:
Two things I a envious of from across the pond, the space they have for workshops and the trees, though we have better Oak and Yew!


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