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First Craft fair post lockdown

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   People will probably be using Alcohol gel  on their  hands  . This may well attack any shellac or nitro cellulose  finish .You might want to test some of your finishes .

Wood spinner:

--- Quote from: Twisted Trees on June 10, 2021, 04:21:29 AM ---
--- Quote from: Wood spinner on June 09, 2021, 07:06:44 PM ---I thought you looked with your eyes ? not your hands

--- End quote ---

I find eyes only bring people to the stall, then some fairly fresh lemon oil smell brings them close, but only touch opens the wallet.

--- End quote ---

I see your point however on the forum we only see photos of work and comment on these , No handling

I had to mentor a blind turner some years ago and he taught me to 'see' things through touch and sound. Often you can sense something through touching or listening that you can't see.

At a show the tactile aspect of different woods, textures etc can often be the selling point. We usually have a coupe of in your face pieces that attract attention and then  people are drawn in. Remember that the majority (In our experience) are totally unaware of the artistic side of turning. They think bowls, chair legs etc and that's it.


Dave Wraight:
Well, two days of a craft fair. I think sales were slightly limited by that lack of touchy - feely but overall those who saw something they really liked bought it. Many comments made about thinking they shouldn't touch but there was always the gel to use and some people did take the opportunity. However I think the biggest barrier was wearing masks - it is so difficult to judge peoples reaction when hidden behind a mask!

If people go into supermarkets, shops etc they still pick things up , are you saying craft fairs is do not touch? if customers sanitise hands before as the do when entering supermarkets is that sufficent.


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