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Clubs restarting #2

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--- Quote from: Bill21 on July 22, 2021, 02:52:20 PM ---I’m going to beg the question when we restart as to whether it would be possible to have an overseas demonstrator entertain and educate us using Zoom. We have a large screen and projector and I’m sure someone has a laptop. I’m just not sure what the WiFi situation is like though at our venue.

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You can always connect the laptop to a smartphone hotspot for the duration of the demo, hopefully one of your members will have a suitable data package. Providing you have mobile phone 4G coverage at your club location the Zoom call will work fine. Alternatively if the club can afford it look at a MIFi box and sim specifically for this purpose.


--- Quote from: Valkrider on July 22, 2021, 04:06:18 PM ---You can always connect the laptop to a smartphone hotspot for the duration of the demo, hopefully one of your members will have a suitable data package. Providing you have mobile phone 4G coverage at your club location the Zoom call will work fine. Alternatively if the club can afford it look at a MIFi box and sim specifically for this purpose.

--- End quote ---

I did think of the mobile aspect, hopefully someone on the committee has a contract. I’m on PAYG as I’m sure quite a few are. I’ll look into the mobile router idea though, thanks.  ;)

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
For some reason our day sessions didn't take off. We have 2 professionals in my club and we both offer 2 demos a year, 1 free and one paid for, which I think is quite acceptable. So that accounts for 4 meetings, add in the AGM and Christmas and we have covered half the year with only 6 months to find. I think at least 2 hands on nights are a must so all we have to do is pay for 4 other demonstrators.
The plus side of the pandemic are the advent of live remote demonstrations ( I used to be dead set against the idea but since lockdown I have come to realise how valueable they are and indeed I am set up to deliver them myself too now) So we could have 2 in hall demos and 2 LRD's. That seems to be the year sorted, now watch it all go to pot.
Thanks for your input on this. John Peachey it would be good to hear what your fun based cometitions are.

John Peachey:
Hi the last two that I can remember are

Marble run. A marble is released into a funnel the winner being the longest time taken for the marble to escape the funnel.

The other one, was a woody woodpecker thing, where a small sprung woodpecker slides down a thin column. Can't remember whether that was fastest or slowest was the winner. Hope that makes sense!

Our whole day demos have in general been well supported, with the chance for members to natter to the demonstrator over lunch. Hope we can return to those next year.

Paul Hannaby:
We usually have 7 demos from external demonstrators, 3 from club members and one workshop visit evening plus an AGM/social.

We may substitute one of the demos for a hands on evening.

We sometimes bring in a non-woodturning demonstrator. In the past we have had pole lathe turning, spoon carving, ukelele making, marquetry, stick making, chair making and a few others.

We also occasionally do all day events with a barbecue or similar.


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