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The Bowler Hatted Turner:
I did have a look at this and was amazed that they were allowed to be sold in this country in the first place. But if you are a bit of an anorak like me you will look at every listing on that site and see further down that this type of cutter has been recalled previously tooInteresting reading and well done whoever picked this up.It might allow some of our members to retain the ability of counting to ten on their fingers.

But surely, said the devils advocate, every tool we, or anyone else, uses can be employed unwisely and result in injury. Perhaps we should ban the sale of saws, scissors or even spatulas! Its education and acceptance of personal responsibility that's required.

Paul Hannaby:
The point here is that chainsaws have a number of safety features to make them safer. The same safety features don't exist on angle grinders so using cutters based on chainsaw chain on an angle grinder introduces unacceptable hazards.
If you apply the darwinian principle, it would no doubt weed out those unwitting users but I think you have to agree having safety legislation has its benefits to the wider population.

But Paul how can you, I or Boris decide what is an unacceptable hazard to Joe Soap down the road. He might have knowledge we dont  have and protective gear we didn't know existed.. or not, which is down to him. Of course legislation is needed to give us all confidence that our tools are well made and fit for purpose but not whether, how or if they should be used. As I said before education and acceptance of personal  responsibility for our own safety must be far more valuable than relying on someone else's opinion, based on, at best, educated guesses of where, how and by whom our stuff will be employed.
We pride ourselves in living in a free country but then accept that someone else should make our decisions for us.

Safety regulations are useful but as any Tom, Dock or Harry can buy a chainsaw, a bandsaw, etc etc all potentially lethal, and set up in their garage it (H&S Laws) doesn't apply except in a business set up. Bottom line common sense is perhaps the greatest (and perhaps most lacking) thing needed when using anything and as Paul poi ts out the chain saw attachments for an angle grinder are not exactly the safest accesories around.I have one that came woith the tool and swithed it on once and not used it at all. Very hard to control or assess what it is going to do. I am sure someone will come on and say they use it a lot and never had an accident. I haven't hd an accident in nearly 60 years turning, doesn;t mean it is totally safe.



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