General Category > General Discussion

So how much should I charge?

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In my experience, BHT, there are a surprising number of potential buyers out there to whom there are far more important things than quality. My sister, for instance, has a large collection of lace bobbins bought at various fairs. Some are beautifully made and some just aren't. I was shocked at this disparity and asked her to show me which, in her eyes, were the best. Colour, design, where she bought it, who she was with and how good a day it had been all appeared to be more important to her than turning quality. So, to her anyway, her collection is based more on memories.... rather like a postcard of a favoured holiday... than quality of the workmanship displayed. It appears to me that its only through another woodyturners eye that quality comes first.
I am aware that this thread was built around a commission but someone ought to point out that all the formulii in the world wont get you Harrods prices at a village fete. Nor gallery prices at a car boot sale. There is far more to this subject than time and consumables. thats why some things in this world just cannot be made viable and why most companies feel the need to have an expensive marketing department!

The Bowler Hatted Turner…

Well that’s all interesting but I’m a simple man (quite literally) in fact I have a job writing so the formula ideal ain’t gunna work…I’ll just have a guesstimate  :D


This makes a lot of sense, especially that the novice really doesn’t look at that ever so slight tear-out on my bottom.
So if my customer looks very happy with it then we could price adjust at point of sale  ;)

Thanks for all your comments  :)

Out of interest, MyTurn, it would be good to see a photo of the bowl and to hear what your client thought regarding price :)

I was asked to make 3 plates/platters for someone who knew my prices for things. We did not discuss prices and I assumed he would pay what I asked for, incorrectly obviously now. As I knew him well I gave a discount and asked for
£75 for all three. From the look on his face I could see he was shocked. I eventually agreed £60 for them and still waited a long time for the money. Lesson learnt. Agree a price beforehand.

Or don't take commisions! Just make stuff and offer it for sale at your chosen price. A straight yes please or wallk away and no disappointment to either party!


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