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So how much should I charge?

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I couldn't agree more!
The point I was trying (and failing) to make was that your average potential customer isn't  poking fingers inside vessels or checking bases for chucking evidence or sanding lines .... its only fellow woodyturners who get their kicks this way..... in my experience anyway!

As I keep trying to tell people if we are selling our work it is non turners we need to impress not other turners.


On another forum someone was asking about the hourly rate of garages, apparently they were charged £190 an hour!  I saw an open segmented turning at a craft shop for £550 some years ago which seemed reasonable as it must have contained hundreds of small pieces glued together. Pretty sure it must have taken more than three hours to make!


--- Quote from: Myturn on August 24, 2021, 04:28:35 PM ---
Hi all…

So how much should we charge for commission of a 6” standard turned oak bowl.
Let’s not include the wood as the customer brought a length of 8x4” oak beam  :)


--- End quote ---

I told my customer the bowl was £60 and he gave me £70 I will upload a picture eventually.

I was thinking of putting the ball in their court and asking the customer how much they thought it was worth or how much they’d like to pay.
Would this work at all?

Thanks Myturn…Colin

Thanks for the update. It would be nice to see that photo when you've got time to upload it. Seems like it all worked out in the end :)


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