General Category > General Discussion

Ash die-back


Has anyone any experience of using ash felled because it's got the dreaded die-back? What effect does the disease have on the timber as far as we turners are concerned?

Twisted Trees:
So far I have found no problem in using timber that has been felled for Ash die back, mostly it is taken down early as it is near public access areas etc. I have seen one that had rot in the centre of the trunk but the branches were healthy looking.

the wood is fine if Ash is infected, it just kills the tree.

it's no different that Dutch Elms disease in that respect.


Thanks for the feedback, gentlemen. I may have access to some ash trees our local National Trust ranger will be felling towards the winter and he asked me to find out what I could. I may end up with a lot of wood I can share with club members.


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