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Post locked ??!!

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Wood spinner:
Re the woodfast lathe at £900

I contacted the seller who was more then happy for me to go as see the lathe running and have a go prior to collection

So NO its not a scam

Also it would be nice to know why my theread was locked and by who ?

I did the post hoping it would be helpfull to a AWGB member wanting a decent lathe at a fair price , Looks like I am waisting my time trying to help members  ???

As far as Iam aware the ony ones who can lock a post are the moderaters. Just had a quick look and can'r see why it would be locked, nothing particularly  offensive or agressive in it.


As the admin I locked the post as some of the comments were getting out of hand.

Wood spinner:

--- Quote from: Valkrider on September 07, 2021, 10:48:23 AM ---As the admin I locked the post as some of the comments were getting out of hand.

--- End quote ---

I would like to suggest you jumped the gun somewhat , No time for me to justify my post as not being a scam , Just locked No reason given on the post , No PM , no nothing , Just lock it

I will need to think long and hard if it is worth pointing othe what I think are bargains , As said I t looks like I am waisting my time

Have to agree with Woodspinner on this. No reason to lock it. As a moderator you could simply have suggested people calm down a bit first though to be honest I fail to see what you saw as 'getting out of hand' seen a lot worse on here over the years. Online communication often gets read in ways that weren't intended by the poster. To arbitarily lock a post in this way is not what you are a mderator for IMHO. Sorry of you disagree or think I am also getting out of hand but grownups should be able to express themselves openy and honestly without having someone passing judgemwnt on them and what they post. If it is a personal attack, swearing etc then the poster should be contacted by PM and asked to retract before simply locking the post.



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