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club nights

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Tim Pettigrew:

--- Quote from: burywoodturners on October 25, 2021, 05:02:44 PM ---We have had three club night since reopening, with around two thirds our usual numbers. Have other clubs found a drop in numbers since returning?

--- End quote ---
Herts and Beds Woodturners have had three meetings. The first  in August, was a live demo by Les Thorne and we had about 55 participants (some from neighbouring clubs).  For the September and August meetings (a live demo and a Club Night meeting), we have had 35 participants. Next meeting is a demo by Terry Smart (Chestnut Finishes) on 9th Nov.

We have had 2 meetings so far and yes numbers are down by about 40%

Thanks, it is not just us then!
I have looked at past numbers, and over a 15 month period we seem to have a turnover of 12 to 15 members, since reopening we have had a few new members , and irregular attendance from the regulars, so it may improve with time. We get a drop in numbers this time of year any way
Here's hoping that things get better soon.

David Buskell:
We (Cheam) have had 3 meetings so far. One a club night, the second an AGM and club member demos and the third an IRD from Ed Oliver.

Numbers were down in all cases.

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
Kennet and Avon woodturning club that meets in Trowbridge seems to have bucked the trend somewhat. Although we are a  relatively small club compared to some we continued to have monthly meetings via zoom all through the lockdown period, indeed these were so successful that we started meeting twice a month, once just for discussion evenings.
We have now had 3 meetings back at the hall and numbers are about the same as we have always had, one or two faces missing but then there always is but we have had an influx of new members too. 4 this month!


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