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Courses in North Norfolk


Can anyone advise if their are any instructors in the Norfolk area as a colleague at work wishes to do an introductory course.

John D Smith:

 Try Darren Breeze Lowestoft. Regards John

Check the AWGB web site, there is a list of all demonstrators and courses

       I would agree with trying Darren Breeze, although he is based in Lowestoft it would be worth the travel.  Darren has done some amazing large turnings.

       Andy Coates is another name  if still working from Beccles   There is very little this man do not know re the woodturning craft.     Apology if for any reason if either no longer available for teaching, it has been a few years since I have seen Andy or Darren. 
       Also have you considered  contacting the Norwich woodturning club, if open for business.   The Committee members have always been  a very helpful bunch and would know who is teaching in the area and I am sure would point in the right direction. 




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