Author Topic: Have you seen this ?  (Read 2819 times)

Offline BrianH

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Re: Have you seen this ?
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2022, 09:17:23 AM »
I wonder how many sportsmen and women are stretchered off the field, ring or track as a result of injuries in just about every sport, game or race? We accept these injuries as par for the course because, like it or not, humans are entertained by feats of skill and bravery and rest easy because the injured weren't forced to take part, they CHOSE to take the well publicised risks involved.
Our, somewhat lonely, hobby entertains virtually no-one bar ourselves so let's take away those same choices and sit in judgement as to which risks may be taken.... After all we, sitting at our keyboard, know best don't we??

We are in the midst of an epidemic of stabbings in our cities. Should we eat next Christmas' turkey with our fingers after knives have been banned?

At the end of the day we all stand or fall by our own decisions and actions so please open your minds to the bigger picture here .....for all our sakes!

Offline Bill21

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Re: Have you seen this ?
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2022, 11:18:17 AM »
Ok, I'll be the first one to say it.
I have used the chainsaw attachment for a couple of years now to embellish my turnings, without the slightest problem. I'ts no more dangerous in my opinion than a normal grinder cutting disc which I used at work as a maintenance fitter.
I would'nt try to cut a tree down with it, but the one I have is well made and a good fit, including guards.
The problem with a lot of power tool accidents is mis use by the owner.
This is my opinion only.

“Any consumers who have these angle grinder attachments in their possession are urged to stop using them immediately.”

If you are unfortunate enough to have an accident I expect this means you’re on your own insurance wise.

This is perhaps the incident that prompted the ban?

And yes, “ordinary” angle grinders can be very dangerous.

Offline The Bowler Hatted Turner

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Re: Have you seen this ?
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2022, 05:36:54 PM »
This is my own opinion as I am no longer the representative for H&S for the AWGB. But just because you are a fireman or you have used power tools all of your life it does not mean you can just pick up a power tool that you have never used before and become instantly proficient with it. You can't even pick up a hammer and be instantly proficient . It is all about training, if you have not been trained to use it properly you should not be using it. In the right hands with the right training it is possibly a very effective tool.  How many members of the AWGB have and use a chainsaw without holding a certificate to say that they are safe to use one? How many use a chainsaw without proper PPE? Just because some idiot thinks he knows it all and picks it up and damages himself should not mean that the device should be banned, it should just not be sold to those that are not properly trained. The next question will probably be where do I get the training, I cannot answer that but that is no excuse for using something that is dangerous without knowledge.

Offline bodrighywood

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Re: Have you seen this ?
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2022, 05:46:24 PM »
Have to agree John. To say that you have used something for years without a problem doesn't make it safe. Some tools, including any type of angle grinder are potentially dangerous and to just be able to buy one and go for it is in my opinion asking for trouble and very irresponsible. I have been turning for best part of 60 years and never had an accident apart from the odd scratch. That isn't brcause it is safe but because I am mostly careful and been very lucky. I agree that banning outright isn't the answer but there should be some form of regulation regarding certain tools and equipment and before people go off half cocked about liberties and freedom sorry but that is not applicable as long as there are people who don't use common sense and just risk both themselves and others regardlessly. Why bother having a driving license, wear helmets on motor bikes, ban l drivers from motor ways, ban guns and cdertain knives....the list goes on.

Turners don't make mistakes, they have design opportunities

Offline Lennie

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Re: Have you seen this ?
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2022, 08:01:23 PM »
I personally think this health and safety business has gone mad, you can't buy an orbital sander these days without reading page after page of safety instructions in the booklet. For goodness sake a lot of it is common sense, unfortunately common sense is not that common.