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Paul Hannaby:
The disadvantage with venting all the dust laden air outside is that during the colder months, that would also remove all the warm air and replace it with cold air - making it too cold to work, possibly causing condensation issues and adding to your heating bill.


--- Quote from: Paul Hannaby on May 24, 2022, 03:49:26 PM ---The disadvantage with venting all the dust laden air outside is that during the colder months, that would also remove all the warm air and replace it with cold air - making it too cold to work, possibly causing condensation issues and adding to your heating bill.

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Yes, good point. I’ve heard this mentioned before.

chunkey monkey:
That's a good point! but I don't heat workshop in winter, and I could be the coolest turner in the country during the hot summer!!!


--- Quote from: Paul Hannaby on May 24, 2022, 03:49:26 PM ---The disadvantage with venting all the dust laden air outside is that during the colder months, that would also remove all the warm air and replace it with cold air - making it too cold to work, possibly causing condensation issues and adding to your heating bill.

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  As Paul says above my system extracts 2050 c/m per hr  cools the shop down instantly but even funnier holds the door shut so tight even shoulder barging won't open it . So now I wedge the door in case i need to abandon ship in a hurry !!!!!  :)  Good thing is it clears the chips from my spindle moulder cutting  a 5 " kerf  but not often in winter!!!

chunkey monkey:
I see I can buy a motor controller with the fan unit and slow it right down to the speeds I need .
It seems dust extraction although totally necessary is an expensive part of woodturning!


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