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Gilwell 24

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Andy Coates:
Yesterday was the Gilwell24 event at Scout HQ near London.

Mike Rothwell and John Leach and his team from East Herts and Cambridge WTCs had as usual organised a faultless event.

We had four RPT turners, a polelathe turner, two demonstration lathes and twenty teaching lathes. All the scout students underwent a safety and tool induction and were issued with mandatory safety equipment prior to getting on the lathes.

Over ten hours we provided 252 taster sessions.

The team were all exhausted at the end of it...and some had to return this morning to decamp!

We are looking to extend the provision of this servive to scout jamborees in other regions, Norfolk and Lincolnshire are two that have large events next year, and would like to hear from clubs wishing to become involved. If you contact me I can put you in touch with Mike Rothwell who is willing to mentor any club and offer support and guidance.

But this photo shows the worth of working with young people and introducing them to woodturning. All 252 took away a piece of they'd produced themselves. And I promise you they were all smiling.

Turners cabin:
you should all be comended for your had work


Well done too all who took part .....  Thank you.

Well done to all who took part. You are all helping to ensure that woodturning has a future for years to come.
John BHT

John D Smith:
Well done to everyone involved it is great to see so many youngsters involved and enjoying themselves.
                                                           Regards John


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