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Audio/Visual System enquiry

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Hello Peter
            our club have also recently been turned down for a lottery grant, we ended up getting a town grant.
However we have recently set up our A/V system in the club , I was totally ignorant of what we needed or what bit of kit went where.
I got in touch with a company via the internet called Roche A/V and spoke to a very helpful chap called Mike Heywood. After explaining exactly what we wanted to achieve he came back with waht he though we needed along with some options.
 You could do far worse that following this route.
John BHT
PS, you can always pm me if you want to.

Roger Groom:
Hi Peter
We received our grant six years ago when we first started the club. At that time every club which applied, was successful. I still think it is the Olympics which is causing the change of heart. After all what has changed in a clubs ideas and hopes in just six years? Nothing. we all want the same. Try again later.
Roger G

Many thanks for additional replies, will try suggestions offered.


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