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A bit of controversy

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The Bowler Hatted Turner:
I recently received my copy of Revolutions and as always it is well produced and full of interesting articles. However,I take issue with Mike Mansfield's article. Although I am in no doubt that Mike has written this piece for all the best reasons it will do nothing towards helping clubs attract new committee members and probably will not help in the recruitment of new trustees to the AWGB.
Is it not time now for the AWGB to seek proper legal advice about the risk to those of us that offer ourselves up to the thankless task of committee membership? Unless I am missing something this article in my opinion will only serve to unnerve existing committee members and deter others from stepping up. So come on AWGB let's get this sorted once and for all.

Paul Hannaby:
It has always been the case (and common knowledge) that any committee member of an association (aka unincorporated organisation) would be financially liable for any debts incurred by the association. I don't think seeking yet more legal advice will change this. This was the primary reason the AWGB became a limited company - to limit the liability of all members (including committee members) to the sum of £1.

Also worth noting is that becoming a charity or CIO does not absolve the trustees of that organisation from personal financial liability if the charity commission decide they have misused the funds so that route isn't the silver bullet it is portrayed to be.

Personally I don't have a problem being a club committee member because I know exactly what the club liabilities are and what it's assets are. That's how such organisations should be run - no need for excessive bureaucracy or complications!

The Bowler Hatted Turner:
So from what you have said Paul if there is a problem at one club (and I hasten to add there is no problem at my club)but if there were and the club committee ended up being sued for whatever reason would the AWGB pick up the bill and safeguard my house?


--- Quote from: The Bowler Hatted Turner on December 10, 2022, 09:16:46 PM ---So from what you have said Paul if there is a problem at one club (and I hasten to add there is no problem at my club)but if there were and the club committee ended up being sued for whatever reason would the AWGB pick up the bill and safeguard my house?

--- End quote ---

Yes, I’d like to know the answer to that.

Is it possible to read this article online? My club receives some copies of the magazine but I don’t always see one.


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