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A bit of controversy

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John D Smith:

 I agree with John (BHT) this needs to be clarified it is difficult to get Committee Members as it is if they read this it will be even more difficult I find it very strange that this article was published in Revolutions  I know every Club who has the Insurance with Zurich get the policy but as everyone knows reading these policies is like a minefield I know the AWGB do not advise on Insurance but this Article was written by The Treasurer of the AWGB so is that not Advice John (BHT) is absolutely right it needs
to be sorted once an for all.
                                   Regards John Smith

Paul Hannaby:
The insurance is public liability. What exactly are you wanting to insure against separately?

I think the situation is perfectly clear and the advice already given makes it clear.

Twisted Trees:
These things go in circles, same in the bike club, table tennis club and every other organisation out there where all of a sudden public liability insurance gets questioned, members are threatened with being liable for unknown risks, and out of fear they pay more for more insurance that is completely useless as it covers you for things  that are completely unimaginable, while in reality covering you for almost nothing.

When I see a credible threat, that will be attributed as the liability of the club and therefore it's members I will question first should we be doing it, second do I want to be involved in an organisation that is doing it, and finally do we have insurance cover on existing policies.

The Bowler Hatted Turner:

--- Quote from: Paul Hannaby on December 13, 2022, 05:24:09 PM ---The insurance is public liability. What exactly are you wanting to insure against separately?

I think the situation is perfectly clear and the advice already given makes it clear.

--- End quote ---
Paul I quote from the article at the bottom of the column on page 26 of Revs" However this may not always provide adequate cover for the trustees whose personal wealth, including their homes, can be at risk". I fully understand that the risk to the AWGB as a whole is limited to £1 per person, indeed I was a trustee at the time it was announced. If the AWGB as an organisation is claimed against my personal liability will be £1.Fine. But now this article has started to scaremonger by telling us that clubs should now look to take on extra insurance. If I remember correctly there was an article similar to this a while back, that too was extolling the virtues of clubs becoming charities or companies. I wish to know that if my club does not wish to become a charity or a company are we then at greater risk than clubs that do?

Paul Hannaby:
Associations with committees don't have trustees, charities do.

As I pointed out before, the limit of liability for the AWGB is because it is a company limited by guarantee. It has absolutely nothing to do with it being a charity.

The short answer to your question is probably yes but neither type of organisation is without risk so I would say the risk should be minimised by those running the organisation. i.e. it's committee members / trustees as they are the ones who would be liable for any loss.


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