Author Topic: Trend Air Pro Max  (Read 1254 times)

Offline morpheus83uk

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Trend Air Pro Max
« on: January 08, 2023, 06:16:41 PM »

Happy New Year!

So over the festive season I treated myself to a Trend Air Max Pro so I didn't have to use the faceshield, Ear Defenders and Half Mask together which is very cumbersome. So I fitted it and tested and it all seemed fine. I did about 2 hours turning yesterday and today with it and apart from getting used to the weight on my head I like it. I do have one issue with it though which I am hoping anyone can help with.

When I have my head down turning something the red light comes on but when it look back up again it goes back to green. I have tried:

  • Charging the battery to a full charge but still the issue persists
  • Removing the pre-filter and still the issue exists
  • Checking the fit of the HEPA filter (which is the original from the box) and still the issue persists
  • I have checked the filter using the test of blocking the air flow to check the red green light changes which it does.
  • I have tried this with and without the ear defenders without any joy
  • Also played around with the fitting of the respirator to see if it was something with hat but no!

On occasion though the red light will stay on for a second or two when I lift my head but sometimes will remain on. I have been through the manual and tried everything that it says so I am not too sure if its something I am doing wrong / have done wrong or if its the unit which is broken?

Has anyone experienced this or have any idea what it maybe? I have also Emailed D&M Tools where I got it from but I am just asking for advice from anyone else as well really.

Thank You All


Offline jay

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Re: Trend Air Pro Max
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2023, 07:07:33 PM »
  I  know very little about the  Trend  air pro but it sounds as if there is some kind of flow sensor that signals blocked filters . Is it possible that the float thing is making contact or breaking contact when you tilt your head  . Consequently  turning the lights on and off . Just a thought 

Offline morpheus83uk

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Re: Trend Air Pro Max
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2023, 08:04:34 PM »
Thank you for your reply.

Yes I think so too but you would think it shouldn't be that sensitive as the images and videos of the promotional videos all show people fully bending over, heads down etc!

I have this evening been reading through the manual to try and figure it out he only thing I can think it being if potentially the face seal not having a corect seal. So when I look down the seal breaks and the red light is alerting because of loss of positive pressure... I will try this tomorrow and see if I can adjust the face seal. The manual says to adjust it after pulling the face shield down but it doesn't say how and from memory I can't see it being adjusted but I am guessing there is a way! There is a lot of servicing information in the manual too so I am also going to ensure I have got the face seal on correctly and clipped in where it should be in accordance with the servicing guide of fitting a new one. Hopefully its something as simple as this and its not got to go back as I really like it and I want to be able to use it  :)

Thank You.

Offline John D Smith

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Re: Trend Air Pro Max
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2023, 09:54:28 PM »
 I would think you should contact Trend or the retailer where you purchased this or you will never be happy with this air pro mask

                                              Regards John
John Smith